Telling Tales About Dementia

Telling Tales About Dementia: Experiences of Caring is a collection of personal accounts by people from a variety of backgrounds who have looked after a relative, partner or friend with dementia. The contributors are honest about the challenges they face, and often express frustration at the lack of support they receive, but all tell their stories with warmth, love and respect.

Readers say that hearing about other people who are 'in the same boat' is comforting, reassuring and encouraging. 

The broadcaster John Suchet, whose late wife Bonnie had dementia, said: ‘The single most valuable achievement of this book is to tell carers they are not alone.’

‘A compelling read...’

‘A wonderful book...’


‘Genuinely moving...’

‘Beautifully written...’

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In her chapter in the book, Lucy describes her own experience of caring for her mother with dementia, and in an article for the Alzheimer's Society magazine she talks about how compiling the book helped her to grieve after her mother's death.

Telling Tales About Dementia is one of 25 titles selected for the Books on Prescription for  Dementia scheme. It is available from local libraries across England and Wales.

The Alzheimer's Society magazine promoted the Books on Prescription for Dementia scheme with an article about a reading Lucy gave from Telling Tales About Dementia.

You can buy Telling Tales About Dementia from your local bookshop. Bookshops can easily order you a copy.

Or you can order it or download it from the publishers here.

Or you can order it from Amazon.